"My Blueberry Nights" is a wonderful film and Kar-Wai has been confirmed as the finest filmmaker of our time. Unnecessary and superfluous to describe in words the feelings of intimacy described and the sensitivity with which they are addressed. The story unfolds in metropolitan sub-frames full of light and shade masterfully captured by photography by Darius Khondji. *** / 4 by Phil
"Sometimes the tangible distance between two people can 'be minimal but the huge emotional" Kar-Wai
Friday, May 23, 2008
What Colour Are Hiv Rashes
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Gay Highschool Bathroom

Anderson elaborates again the subject dearest to him, the family and (non) equilibrium on which it builds. The story is based on the same narrative and descriptive mechanisms already "Royal Tenenbaums", and "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" and this penalizes the film that Anderson has ever managed to displace the viewer with the originality of the story and characters. The decision to set the film in India, however, reveals apt and well matched to the movies Anders: his passion for found objects full rein in the Indian environment overloaded with special ornaments and a wide palette of colors that literally explodes in color every corner of the trains and the Indian bazaar is the perfect backdrop his characters that despite their constant lies and neuroses are always pleasant and interesting.
The film is a pleasant comedy, though for fans of the director like me you would expect some progress. ** / 4 by Phil
Trailer in the right column
Friday, May 9, 2008
Alienware Laptop Fan Speed
"What you try is not new. This country is hard on people. You can not stop what's coming. It all depends on you. It's simple vanity."
The Coens bring attention to the plight of 'common man and its role in the story today. Life, and especially its continuation is not determined by fate but by chance: everyone is master of himself only until she finds the same time point in which converge a series of events and dynamics in the face of which the individual has no power of decision. At that point the will of the individual does not count, do not count his rights nor his dignity, and the life of a person depends on the randomness (the toss of a coin in the film). The cynicism of contemporary life, which unfolds in the life of every day in the processes to which the common man does not take part if not passively (political decisions, economic, and other wars), is personified by the ruthless Anton Chigurh in the film starring a Javier Bardem superlative. The killer was almost impossible to pronounce the name as a weapon a compressed air gun used to kill animals in slaughterhouses, people are put on same level as the cannon fodder, and therefore considered expendable for the most important interests.
"No Country for Old Men" is a film with strong symbolic content (like the "25th Hour") and return there after a few steps away vacuum, two great filmmakers like the Coen brothers. ***½/
Trailer 4 by Phil in the right column