"The demagoguery is the art of drag and enchant the masses, according to Aristotle leads to tyranny or oligarchy." The definition is certainly not ours, but Prof. Giovanni Sartori, a major Italian political scientists, always sharp and clear in identifying and defining social and political phenomena (pseudo or such). I was thinking this morning, when I reflected on the micro-political citizen and the group considered that the UDC will present this morning a motion that calls for all city councilors to submit to narcotest. The initiative has been given wide coverage on the basis of the fact that we must discuss the use of drugs in our society, and to do so, you must provide evidence of conduct and spotless mirror. The initiative, in our view, could also be acceptable if it were emanating a nausabondo odor of demagogy. But there is that never in the City Council have held discussions on youth policies, the causes of the obvious discomfort, on how to tackle social ills such as the use of alcohol and stufefacenti among young people? Has there ever been, in recent years, a political adviser or some who are really interested in the question? We are not aware. Indeed, whenever there has been some timid attempts to raise social issues such diagonal was set in motion the mechanism of "benaltrismo" learned with "balloons" of eminent politicians who recalled the existence of "very different" problems. Now comes the UDC that there seems to have never been engaged, and at least locally, on these issues, but that, in the proposal, arouses feelings of aversion of the people against the excessive power politicians, especially in light of the recent exploits marrazziane. And riding them, exploit them and, let us, exploits them. In our opinion, in a local context in which the unresolved problems are the overwhelming majority, with demagogy is not going anywhere. Need solicit political soeciali true, pursue the comparison, to study phenomena and groped solutions, without making jokes to get a little 'visibility and some consensus with politicians from those who have the grudge. Policy is policy proclamations and bouatades bar ...
Emilio Marigliani