TARSU Goodbye. A Terracina TIA
Terracina Even the much insulted TARSU would be put in the attic. Arriva fact the TIA, the Health Fee Environment. It is basically a fee that covers all costs for collection, transportation and disposal of waste. Unlike as was the case with the previous fee, revenue from the application of the tariff will cover the full refuse collection service. In itself the principle might not be so bad, since the rate is divided into two parts: the first (fixed) cover operating costs, and the second (variable amounts) should vary depending on how much waste is produced by individual users. This creates a virtuous cycle in which, however, of course, is a prerequisite collection. S The amounts paid will be lighter if it where garbage becomes a resource, just through the process of recycling. Well, we too are about to Start pouring this adventure, but, as usual, with significant anomalies. First of all, no action is taken and the new race is the sole interlocutor of the City Environment Terracina Spa (the same year that provides us with a service not worthy of a civilized country), which has presented a plan for urban sanitation services that, for the year 2010, at a cost of about € 8 million. If one compares the cost items with those that the operator of the refuse collection service was introduced in 2006 (and with whom he received the award, which speaks volumes about its correctness: to win a contract with a bid that Within 3 years quadrupled vine), whose cost was less than 3 million Euros, you will notice that the matter is wrong. It is wrong because, more or less, the plan three years ago prevdevano the same services that are expected today (including waste), but at a lower cost by 5 milioncini. Indeed, in 2006 to less than 3 million, secured a separate 40% of the entire collection, and now provides only 32%. How does it work then? 40% to 2 million-odd, while 32% to more than 8 million? The matter is not right and you will agree! Since then these are not the only inconsistencies, it's up to be very awake. When the tender is missing, the politicians dance! So, dear friends, failure notice, the incongruity about costs and services and many other little things which we will give account of strange then we have to straighten the antennas on the new bloodletting. Why, in this case, early estimates show that revolutions never lead such discounts, but last price increases, against which it is necessary that arises!
Emilio Marigliani