E 'came the Judiciary miserably to put an end to one of the saddest chapters of the Administration Nardi, namely the issue Terracina Environment.
A service of refuse collection in fact given no-bid, with a company defaulting and considerably high costs, while in the city we slowly accustomed to getting around in dirty streets, among heaps of garbage piled up for days, without the collection ever game seriously. The situation is even more dramatic when one considers that the policy has always vigorously defended this system inefficient, more attentive to the dynamics of the various boards of directors to ensure that a public health service worthy of the name. Our associations have complained for years this situation and citizenship also subscribe to a complaint then forwarded to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Latin America and the Court of Auditors. Now you can reap the benefits of that initiative. Judiciary to ask you to go deeply into the question, identifying the criminal responsibility, but nobody can think that the policy is free of serious responsibility. The public partner has never controlled the private, there has never been an interest in enforcing the contract, effectively support the tricks of enrichment on the skin of people forced to live in an unhealthy environment. While advisers Terracina atmosphere seemed more interested in receiving regalia in some municipal property to operate the service. The Administration should draw the consequences of this latest failure and resign en masse. Our associations maintain the outset that it will be a civil party in criminal proceedings stemming from this absurd story, which we hope to do all citizens deceived and hurt by the arrogance of power.
Terracina Terracina Circle Rise up and Eleuterio