arrive on the boat in the middle of the Danube, the A38, it seems deserted. The concert begins in fact with no frills attached with the performance of a post-punk scene in the room then enter Dalek. They place their 3 apple on the table, a micro-korg, guitar and turn-table managed by various mixers + OKTOPUS. The guitarist begins to rage out on the ropes but the speakers sound dull and soft with the greatest impact just by increasing the volume and distortion over time, the micro-korg begins with its highly saturated sounds that are mixed in a heap of clipping and overdriving with feedback to say the least, devastating. After 5 minutes of total madness enters OKTOPUS, which immediately literally bombard the room with its powerful backing, and studied at the same time simple in grooving. The temperature rises, the music is powerful, you invade, takes shape and becomes final when he enters the vocalist, and spirited in the grip of delusions of self-divinity. It begins with his aggressive and ruthless beat, a style all sweaty and exaggerated gestures with microphone in hand and sought solace only in the stage lighting. Offering old and new songs, with un'udibile evolution: they have taken the crease noise resulting from the collaboration with Faust runs strong in them, even if this new component of their music is however, balanced and reasoned, for sure, though, their future releases will be potentially very interesting. roTeus
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