Tibet's capital Lhasa
The Potala Palace
History and history against a trip
Clipboard Ma Prem Nisim in Tibet
When you put in the middle of the issue of visas, the lack or restriction of freedom, the extreme difficulties in the research, the impossibility of stopping and staying, everything begins to take on dangerous and unknown dimensions, where also raise some questions seem complicated, difficult, impossible. And the Tibetans in this they were just full of old fears, seemed unmoved by not responding or in saying that "they did not understand the question." Were years that I felt to be close to a visit to Tibet, but in my imagination this visit was to last at least three months for all the outstanding issues in my life that were opened dramatically in the last ten years. My past life in Tibet, the fact of hearing all the sessions during the last regression of my death the strange taste of poison in his mouth, then some degree of certainty to be dead by poisoning, the ancient vision of nature, the safety of have been a man, I feel closer and closer to the close to Osho in his previous life, he had been in Tibet, the Karmapa had lived with and died of poisoning. Then when I re-lived the last training that death, where I was completely ecstatic "
embraced the Moon", I feel we're very close and I decided to go (in my early life I was famous, they say at home, so I could relax only when I saw the moon , and I had those crazy stomach ache in my first year of life, which lasted at least three days during which I could not eat or drink, and I could not sit on the potty).
I went anyway in search of a large hall where you can find Kutun, bodies of very fine, Bodhisattva, who to death were covered with gold, a process similar all'inbalsamatura Egypt. In the Hall I have found the body at the time of Osho, who was to be between 100 the 97mo. But right from the beginning have been redirected. Nobody knew anything, even among the monks that I met, or almost nobody spoke English and could explain something. The government in exile in India I must admit that the blade leaves the monasteries in situations of abandonment, even those young monks who are to take care of them, sometimes they are interested in other things or can not follow all that is asked of them by foreigners. Neither speak English, few are able to communicate with visitors.
Following the instructions of the 16th Karmapa Lama in 1972 states that "Osho is a living Buddha and that he alone can save the planet ..." saying "Osho was with us in his previous life and you can see His golden statue in Tibet in the Hall of Incarnations ... "I imagine that the statue is mentioned in the monastery of Tzurpu (tshur-pon-dong), named after the river that passes by. The monastery near Lhasa and every morning apart from a direct bus from Piazza Bangkor the monastery, located near the Jogang Temple in the center of the old, in Lhasa. Equipped with a camera and full of good will I start Tzurphu with the decision to photograph all the gold statues, and request the name. Unfortunately not even imagine that the young monks sometimes do not even know the name of the person represented, and that the statues, including me, are so many that you get tired and you can lose. The monastery is
old, built around 1100, the Chinese have almost completely destroyed and burned reaching Alas, only recently is starting to rebuild it. The buildings are far away and separated, the first hall you come to is the Assembly Hall, where they celebrate the puja, and we all prayed together. The altars of this room are huge and filled with golden statues, the Buddha Sakyamuni is one of them. The high altar is a tiny statue is different, Sang Ngyempa, famous for the miracles in life and after. It seems that this little statuette is made after the death of Monaco and just finished it remained for 7 days in air at a meter and a half, returning to earth after exactly seven days and seven nights.
I went anyway in search of a large hall where you can find Kutun, bodies of very fine, Bodhisattva, who to death were covered with gold, a process similar all'inbalsamatura Egypt. In the Hall I have found the body at the time of Osho, who was to be between 100 the 97mo. But right from the beginning have been redirected. Nobody knew anything, even among the monks that I met, or almost nobody spoke English and could explain something. The government in exile in India I must admit that the blade leaves the monasteries in situations of abandonment, even those young monks who are to take care of them, sometimes they are interested in other things or can not follow all that is asked of them by foreigners. Neither speak English, few are able to communicate with visitors.
Following the instructions of the 16th Karmapa Lama in 1972 states that "Osho is a living Buddha and that he alone can save the planet ..." saying "Osho was with us in his previous life and you can see His golden statue in Tibet in the Hall of Incarnations ... "I imagine that the statue is mentioned in the monastery of Tzurpu (tshur-pon-dong), named after the river that passes by. The monastery near Lhasa and every morning apart from a direct bus from Piazza Bangkor the monastery, located near the Jogang Temple in the center of the old, in Lhasa. Equipped with a camera and full of good will I start Tzurphu with the decision to photograph all the gold statues, and request the name. Unfortunately not even imagine that the young monks sometimes do not even know the name of the person represented, and that the statues, including me, are so many that you get tired and you can lose. The monastery is
old, built around 1100, the Chinese have almost completely destroyed and burned reaching Alas, only recently is starting to rebuild it. The buildings are far away and separated, the first hall you come to is the Assembly Hall, where they celebrate the puja, and we all prayed together. The altars of this room are huge and filled with golden statues, the Buddha Sakyamuni is one of them. The high altar is a tiny statue is different, Sang Ngyempa, famous for the miracles in life and after. It seems that this little statuette is made after the death of Monaco and just finished it remained for 7 days in air at a meter and a half, returning to earth after exactly seven days and seven nights.
There are other halls such as the Hall where are the great stupa, where the remains of the First, Second and Fifth Karmapa. As to the Potala Palace, this Hall has a different energy, subtle and strange. Visiting is good, you leave there feeling better. The stupas are three, all in silver, covered and set with precious jewels, two are modeled in terracotta and easier on the outside. The Hall of Incarnations
is one of the Hall where there are only golden statues. Even this very beautiful and charming, very big, with all the statues of the 16th Karmapa Lama, and other statues, some seem of the Gelugpa or Sakya. Others, without a hat, the monks are probably very important. The Kagyu also bring their black hat, were the first to write Kagyu teachings and to create lineage, around 1000, but only starting from the first Karmapa reincarnations, the Tulku.
is one of the Hall where there are only golden statues. Even this very beautiful and charming, very big, with all the statues of the 16th Karmapa Lama, and other statues, some seem of the Gelugpa or Sakya. Others, without a hat, the monks are probably very important. The Kagyu also bring their black hat, were the first to write Kagyu teachings and to create lineage, around 1000, but only starting from the first Karmapa reincarnations, the Tulku.
The tradition of the Karmapa's black hat that is called "Black Hat" began many centuries ago when a king gives China a black hat set with diamonds and covered in gold to a Karmapa Lama. Over the centuries the other seven are beginning to give importance to the hat (which we still find the monasteries in Tibet are mostly Gelugpa, the same sect of the Dalai Lama - Tibetan Dalai means "ocean" - and Sakya. The color of the hat is different for red and yellow for the Sakya Gelugpa).
the past few days I have visited many monasteries in Tibet and in each one I found a wonderful power of prayer. Riwoche, located in the northeast, near Qamdo, seems to have remained intact in structure and highly impressive, with beautiful statues and enormous, the first devoted to the Future Buddha, as they called the Maitreya Buddha in Tibet. E 'was founded at the end of 1200 and the light coming from the center of the ceiling, open to the sky, gives a different dimension, like eternity. I recommend everyone to visit the region and Qamdo Riwoche, the monastery a few kilometers from small town, and you can get there by plane to the nearby airport. From there down to Lhasa crossing regions rich in vegetation and forests, and you get to the source of the river Brahmaputra, near Bayi, stunning in its majesty. The areas that are now the border to the east are famous for spirituality and mysticism, are just some places to visit in China today, although prior to 1950 were part of Tibet. Around 800 he lived in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Riwoche Guru Rinpoche, an incarnation of Sri Padmasambawa, and known as a great healer. His wife, Dolma, sweet woman with white skin, is depicted in a semi-nude statue.
Two words, in addition to notes, and the Kagyu Karmapa. The Karmapa sect has ancient origins. Tilopa and Naropa, Marpa and Milarepa then, were the first, the sect is called Tantric. It is found in the Kagyu lineage of origin and the foundation. Milarepa stops traveling the Himalayas in Tibet at the beginning of a thousand, lives in a cave for many years in that place which is now the border between Nepal and Tibet. Karmapa Lama, which include the techniques used by Milarepa, not much is known, the first person they call Karmapa Lama lives around 1200. Miracles since he lives in the womb, create Tulku, the reincarnation real, leaving word where and when you reincarnate. The 2nd Karmapa Lama stands out for its practical activities peacemaker between Tibet and China, the third not much is known, and is the fifth to that one begins to consolidate the sect, defined as the "Black Hat". The historical notes are perhaps something that makes us understand how was the evolution of Buddhism in Tibet.
The miracle of reincarnation of the Dalai Lama instead begins with the Gelugpa sect around 1400, a period in which it is built the Potala Palace. In the visit to the Potala Palace have been terrible to see all the empty building, the walls bare and repainted with a red brick that has erased all the images you see murals in other monasteries, Tibetans and all the treasures taken away or destroyed or burned in the invasion of China (another show disgusting, workers Tibetans looked back terrace of the fourth or fifth floor, and danced in front of the public to show their joy of belonging to the people of the Tibetan slaves in the hands of the tyrants in China). All the friends met in those days, from all over the world had witnessed the same scene that was probably invented as a spectacle for tourists. I went back to the hotel, crying and without energy, so I had to find myself making dynamic whole, body and spirit. The beauty of the building does not lie in a museum, but once again beautiful in the energy that emanates, and in the ranks of Tibetans who prostrate themselves in prayer in the road, making daily tribute. Outside the Potala Palace was the great towers of gold that are not seen, and many other gold objects that seem to have disappeared.
the past few days I have visited many monasteries in Tibet and in each one I found a wonderful power of prayer. Riwoche, located in the northeast, near Qamdo, seems to have remained intact in structure and highly impressive, with beautiful statues and enormous, the first devoted to the Future Buddha, as they called the Maitreya Buddha in Tibet. E 'was founded at the end of 1200 and the light coming from the center of the ceiling, open to the sky, gives a different dimension, like eternity. I recommend everyone to visit the region and Qamdo Riwoche, the monastery a few kilometers from small town, and you can get there by plane to the nearby airport. From there down to Lhasa crossing regions rich in vegetation and forests, and you get to the source of the river Brahmaputra, near Bayi, stunning in its majesty. The areas that are now the border to the east are famous for spirituality and mysticism, are just some places to visit in China today, although prior to 1950 were part of Tibet. Around 800 he lived in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Riwoche Guru Rinpoche, an incarnation of Sri Padmasambawa, and known as a great healer. His wife, Dolma, sweet woman with white skin, is depicted in a semi-nude statue.
Two words, in addition to notes, and the Kagyu Karmapa. The Karmapa sect has ancient origins. Tilopa and Naropa, Marpa and Milarepa then, were the first, the sect is called Tantric. It is found in the Kagyu lineage of origin and the foundation. Milarepa stops traveling the Himalayas in Tibet at the beginning of a thousand, lives in a cave for many years in that place which is now the border between Nepal and Tibet. Karmapa Lama, which include the techniques used by Milarepa, not much is known, the first person they call Karmapa Lama lives around 1200. Miracles since he lives in the womb, create Tulku, the reincarnation real, leaving word where and when you reincarnate. The 2nd Karmapa Lama stands out for its practical activities peacemaker between Tibet and China, the third not much is known, and is the fifth to that one begins to consolidate the sect, defined as the "Black Hat". The historical notes are perhaps something that makes us understand how was the evolution of Buddhism in Tibet.
The miracle of reincarnation of the Dalai Lama instead begins with the Gelugpa sect around 1400, a period in which it is built the Potala Palace. In the visit to the Potala Palace have been terrible to see all the empty building, the walls bare and repainted with a red brick that has erased all the images you see murals in other monasteries, Tibetans and all the treasures taken away or destroyed or burned in the invasion of China (another show disgusting, workers Tibetans looked back terrace of the fourth or fifth floor, and danced in front of the public to show their joy of belonging to the people of the Tibetan slaves in the hands of the tyrants in China). All the friends met in those days, from all over the world had witnessed the same scene that was probably invented as a spectacle for tourists. I went back to the hotel, crying and without energy, so I had to find myself making dynamic whole, body and spirit. The beauty of the building does not lie in a museum, but once again beautiful in the energy that emanates, and in the ranks of Tibetans who prostrate themselves in prayer in the road, making daily tribute. Outside the Potala Palace was the great towers of gold that are not seen, and many other gold objects that seem to have disappeared.

The Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism derives from Marpa (1012-1099) who traveled from India to Tibet three times and four times to Nepal in search of religious teachings, studying 108 feet of spiritual masters, principally Naropa and Maitripa. Marpa received the tantric teachings called the "Three Teachings" - concerning the Illusory Body and the transfer of Consciousness, Dreams, The Clear Light, the Inner Heat directly from Naropa (1016-1100) who in turn had received them from Tilopa (988-1069). The original source is the Buddha Vajradhara. Marpa brought it to Tibet, passing them to his most famous disciple Milarepa (1040-1123) who came to enlightenment in their lifetime. Milarepa passed them to others, and this is how the dual system of philosophical training and meditation are found in the Kagyu monasteries. Among Milarepa's disciples, Gampopa (1084-1161) is the most famous. He received the teaching and practice of the "Great Seal, Mahamudrn, and the Six Yogas and synthesizes them into a single instruction. What resulted is known as Dakpo Kagyu, the main teaching of the Kagyu tradition. Teaching Kagyu Mahamudra was then later incorporated in the Gelugpa tradition from the first Panchen Lama (1570-1662).
The Kamtsang or Karma Kagyu was founded by the first Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa (1110-1193).
This tradition has remained strong and was successful in large measure to the presence of an unbroken line of reincarnations of the first, the next Karmapa. In Tibet, Tsurphu, located in the center of Tibet was the main monastery of this tradition. After going into exile, the tradition has been restored to the Rumtek monastery in Sikkim.
The Second Karmapa, Karma Pakshi (1206-1283)
was a child prodigy who had an understanding of the philosophy of Darma at the age of ten years. His teacher had understood that he was the reincarnation of Dusum Khyenpa. It was already enlightened, but his teacher gave him all the lessons in a formal way to increase the transmission power. Spent half his life in meditation retreats and is famous for having introduced the mantra Om Mani Padme Hung. At the age of 47 years, undertook his first trip to China that lasted three years, at the invitation of Kublai, grandson of Genghis Khan. China made many spectacular miracles, and played an important role as peace maker. Although invited to remain in the following years he traveled to China, Mongolia and Tibet and remained famous as a teacher. He was particularly honored by Munga Khan, Kublai's brother, but his death, when he became emperor Kublai, and built Cambalu, present-day Beijing, the new emperor ordered him to stop it. Any attempt to capture or kill the Second Karmapa was dominated by numerous miracles. On one occasion, "froze" (ntd.: the word used is "froze"), a battalion of 37,000 soldiers, using the power of mudra, and at the same time showing compassion. He let himself be captured and was put into exile, but he knew that miracles and compassion would lead Kublai Khan to change his mind. And this happened. Kublai became his disciple. Back in Tibet towards the end of his life was made a huge 16 meter high statue of Buddha, a dream he had always had. When completed, Karma Pakshi first sat in the same location of the statue and then stood up. The statue moves like him. Before he died he left his first disciple, Urgyenpa, details regarding the birth of the third Karmapa.
The Third Karmapa
Third Gyalwa Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339) built a black wreath at the age of three years and announced that a Karmapa. Five years went to visit Urgyenpa who had dreamed the night before and was prepared for the visit. He grew up in the monastery of getting Tsurphu not only transmission but also the Nyingma Kagyu, Rangjung Dorje had a great thirst to learn from great teachers and experts of his day. He had an intelligence and sensitivity that could absorb all that he had studied. Through some visions received the teaching of the "Wheel of the Worlds" (Kalachakra), introduced a revised system of astrology from him. He studied medicine. Eventually six of his studies he had learned almost all the Buddhist teachings that had arrived in Tibet from India, wrote many books the most famous of which is the Zab.mo.nang.do, which reflects the essence of the Vajrayana. He visited China and had the emperor as a disciple Toghon Temur, who through the elixir of life, procured from the numerous trips the third Karmapa, was the emperor who lived the longest among the Mongol emperors of China. He built many monasteries in Tibet and China. He died in China and is famous for appearing in the moon on the night he died. (Excerpts from the book "Karmapa" by Ken Holmes)
The Golden Garland (The Golden Garland)
Third Gyalwa Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339) built a black wreath at the age of three years and announced that a Karmapa. Five years went to visit Urgyenpa who had dreamed the night before and was prepared for the visit. He grew up in the monastery of getting Tsurphu not only transmission but also the Nyingma Kagyu, Rangjung Dorje had a great thirst to learn from great teachers and experts of his day. He had an intelligence and sensitivity that could absorb all that he had studied. Through some visions received the teaching of the "Wheel of the Worlds" (Kalachakra), introduced a revised system of astrology from him. He studied medicine. Eventually six of his studies he had learned almost all the Buddhist teachings that had arrived in Tibet from India, wrote many books the most famous of which is the Zab.mo.nang.do, which reflects the essence of the Vajrayana. He visited China and had the emperor as a disciple Toghon Temur, who through the elixir of life, procured from the numerous trips the third Karmapa, was the emperor who lived the longest among the Mongol emperors of China. He built many monasteries in Tibet and China. He died in China and is famous for appearing in the moon on the night he died. (Excerpts from the book "Karmapa" by Ken Holmes)

Tilopa (988-1069) one of 84 Mahasiddha is not only revered by Buddhists.
Naropa (1016-1100) He had a girlfriend named Niguma, which was recognized as Teacher.
Lotsawa Marpa (1012-1097) The Translator. His wife also was recognized as an important person.
Jetsun Milarepa (1052 to 1135. Noble person and great Yogi (Shep Dorje).
Gampopa (1079-1153) Dagpo Lahrje, Doctor of the Kham region.
The First Karmapa , Dusum Khyenpa (1110-1193) disciple of Gampopa. Among other things built Tsurphu neella old monastery. At the age of 84 years wrote a letter in which he described the conditions creating the next incarnation of Tulku, or system of reincarnation, which became a feature of the Tibetan tradition. In other words, was the first person known to be reincarnated with the intent to benefit humans.
Drogone Rechen (1148-1218) Pomdrakpa (1170-1249)
Karma Pakshi the Second Karmapa (1203-1283,) the first to know the tulku. He traveled widely in China and acquired the title of Pakshi (Master of Discipline) to become the Guru's personal Mongke Khan, but when Kublai Khan succeeded to the throne sought to capture and kill Karma Pakshi who was returning to Tibet. The soldiers were unable to get it: the strings pass through his body as if it were a rainbow, when he was thrown from a mountain peak floated in the air to the ground, when he was thrown into a lake, walking on water, and so it happened even at sea. He felt much sympathy and compassion for his persecutors, and finally Kublai Khan became his disciple. Doing wonders in abundance showed the freedom of enlightenment, the nature of which is explained as a natural consequence of the spontaneous response to the needs of a being sentient being is not limited by a dualistic perception. Renowned for these powers, it is known in Tibet as "Drubchen" or "He who has come to great things" ("great achiever"). The Mongol king Shen-Tsung offered as a gift a black hat covered in gold and diamonds, and a precious Buddha statue installed in the monastery Tsurphu.
Drubtob Urgyenpa (1230-1300)
The third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339) epithet which means Self-Manifest. Traveling built retreat centers, composing treatises on astrology Tanta, which remain the foundations of the Kagyu.
Gyalwa Jungtönpa (1296-1376)
The fourth Karmapa , Rolpei Dorje (1340-1383) whose name means "Vajra Play" was also master the Mongol emperor. Born immediately sat reciting Om Mani Padme Hung, and at the age of three years revealed the mother to be reincarnated Karma Pakshi for the salvation of his disciples. He is remembered for being able to directly perceive the presence of deities in Tantric transmissions. In his travels he became Master of kings and emperors who wanted to reach enlightenment for the benefit of all living beings. Back in Tibet began Tsongkhapa, the reformer who later founded the Gelugpa school. At his death, during his cremation, there was a mysterious rain of flowers and the earth quaked six times. Many say they have also seen a rainbow in the sky with its image. The Second
Shamarpa, Kacha Wangpo (1350-1405)
The fifth Karmapa , Dezhin Shegpa (1384-1415) the first to wear the black hat in the ceremonies. Its name means "The Buddha of the Past." The Chinese emperor of the Ming dynasty, Yung Lo, gave him a copy of the black hat, adorned with jewels and gold. Returning to Tsurphu told his disciples to have arranged the next reincarnation, Karma near the monastery in eastern Tibet, and died. Among his ashes were seen images of deities and relics of the color rainbow.
Drubtob Urgyenpa (1230-1300)
The third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339) epithet which means Self-Manifest. Traveling built retreat centers, composing treatises on astrology Tanta, which remain the foundations of the Kagyu.
Gyalwa Jungtönpa (1296-1376)
The fourth Karmapa , Rolpei Dorje (1340-1383) whose name means "Vajra Play" was also master the Mongol emperor. Born immediately sat reciting Om Mani Padme Hung, and at the age of three years revealed the mother to be reincarnated Karma Pakshi for the salvation of his disciples. He is remembered for being able to directly perceive the presence of deities in Tantric transmissions. In his travels he became Master of kings and emperors who wanted to reach enlightenment for the benefit of all living beings. Back in Tibet began Tsongkhapa, the reformer who later founded the Gelugpa school. At his death, during his cremation, there was a mysterious rain of flowers and the earth quaked six times. Many say they have also seen a rainbow in the sky with its image. The Second
Shamarpa, Kacha Wangpo (1350-1405)
The fifth Karmapa , Dezhin Shegpa (1384-1415) the first to wear the black hat in the ceremonies. Its name means "The Buddha of the Past." The Chinese emperor of the Ming dynasty, Yung Lo, gave him a copy of the black hat, adorned with jewels and gold. Returning to Tsurphu told his disciples to have arranged the next reincarnation, Karma near the monastery in eastern Tibet, and died. Among his ashes were seen images of deities and relics of the color rainbow.

The first Tai Situ , Chokyi Gyaltsen (1377-1448). Tai Situ is considered an incarnation of Maitreya, the fifth Buddha.
Rinchen Zangpo (Ratnabhadra) (ca. 1400)
The Sixth Karmapa , Thongwa Dondena (1416-1453) who was a practitioner Shangpa, Shijo and also Nyingma (source: notes from Jeff Watts').
Benga Jampal Zangpo Paljor Döndrup (1427-1489). The Second Situpa Tashi Namgyal (1450-1497)
The Seventh Karmapa , Chodrak Gyatso (1454-1506) whose name means "ocean by the renewed Dharma" and wrote on three aspects: discipline, philosophy and Tantric practice. He created the monastic college at Tsurphu restoring the giant Buddha statue created by the second Karmapa. Newborn at the age of seven days, he began to speak and understand the mantra recited by his parents. Three years have announced the name of Karma, and who was born as he was in the world to benefit those who had connections with him. He was an exponent of TSEM, the Tibetan sisema of logic, and did many miracles. The third
Situpa Paljor Tashi (1457-1525) Sangye Nyenpa , mahasiddha emanation of Maitreya.
Mikyo Dorje, the eighth Karmapa (1507-1554) "immoveable Vajra" his work includes topilinguistica, monastic discipline, sutras, poetry and art, and Mahamudra texts for tantric practice. His birth was described in details left by the possession of the Third Tai Situ. He became a great painter and did many miracles. Introduced the use of the mantra Karmapa khyenno. He wrote treatises on Sanskrit grammar, art and poetry.

The fourth Tai Situpa , Chokyi Gocha (1542-1585) The fifth
Shamarpa , Konchog Yenlag (1526-1583)
The Ninth Karmapa, Wangchuk Dorje (1555-1603) built three monasteries in Sikkim
The sixth Shamarpa , Chökyi Wangchuk (1584-1629) The fifth Situpa Chokyi Palzang Gyaltsen (1586-1657) which was given the red hat embroidered in gold from the Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje, "The Crown That freed on Sight" crown that free .
(The Golden Wreath continued)

The Heart Sutra (The Heart Sutra)
1. Invocation
Homage to Perfect Wisdom, the Beloved, the Holy!
2. Introduction
Avalokita, the holy Lord and Bodhisatwa, crossed the deepest ways of wisdom, which is beyond. He turned up there looking down, saw nothing but that the five aggregates (form, feeling, desire, impulse and consciousness) and saw that in their essence were vacant.
3. The dialectic of Emptiness. Stage
Here, or Sariputra, form is emptiness and that emptiness is form, emptiness does not differ from form, form does not differ from emptiness, what is he is also always a void, which is always emptiness is form. The same is true of feeling, perception, impulse and consciousness.
4. The dialectic of Emptiness. Second phase
Here, or Sariputra, all Dharmas are marked by emptiness; are not produced or destroyed, are not corrupt or purified, or insufficient or complete.
5. The dialectic of Emptiness. Stage Three
For this, or Sariputra, in emptiness there is neither form nor sensation, perception, impulses, or consciousness, no eyes or ears, nose, tongue, body, mind and there are no forms, sounds, smells, spaori , contacts or objects of thought, there is no element of the organ of sight, etc., nothing in the consciousness of the mind, there is no cancellation or ignorance of ignorance, etc., there is no decline or death, no removal of the decline and death, so there is no pain, no birth, no end, no way, so there is no understanding, no attainment and no non-attainment.
6. The concrete embodiment of emptiness and the practical basis of Emptiness
For this, or Sariputra, and because of his equanimity than any individual achievement, that a Bodhisattva, for being based on the perfection of wisdom, living without the worry of the mind. Dell'assillo absence of mind did not recognize the need, has exceeded what can causre discomfort, and finally reached nirvana.
7. The complete emptiness is also the basis of Buddhahood
All those who appear as Buddhas in the three periods, they are aware at the highest level of perfect enlightenment because they rely on the perfection of wisdom.
8. The doctrine of the reach of unenlightened
For this we must recognize the Prajnaparamita as the great miracle, the miracle of great wisdom, the incomparable miracle, the destroyer of all suffering in the truth: so what can compare? With the Prajnaparamita can accomplish this miracle. Is as follows: away, away, away beyond, way beyond, oh what awakening, salvation to all! This concludes the Heart of Perfect Wisdom.
"Hridayam Prajnaparamita Sutra"
Retrieved from "Buddhist Scripture" by Edward Conze, Penguin Books

Transomatic Dialogue Training March 2007 Poona (India)
My life with Osho
I am a disciple of Osho since 1980, and with him I started a totally different route before, where meditation and spiritual growth are the priorities of the day, the daily life of every day. My teacher, besides being beautiful is also very popular, and to him I dedicated some of my poems ...
Bouquet Do Paraiso
I would say that magic moment in which we are melted and almost
there is nothing but the kiss tender kiss
that where there is our whole life. I almost wish
show with evidence and facts as it is enormously large
all our love. Yet next to me
vacuum and a certain something. Do
Perfume Paradise.

dedicated to Bhagwan
I stretched out on you like a blanket of
rose petals rose petals softly
and fell on my bare skin,
I cooked my last
rice under the warm blanket in the sun
and hand it deals
so I walked to forget me.
I have prepared the bowl with all my love.

you existed only you my devotion
our dream
Pahalgam, Kashmir, 1997

One planet, one life, that our house
Spirituality of the Earth
The project includes the ability and desire to develop in us the desire to regain the natural use of the land, with the planet, and this may also start from the food we eat, from 'spring water we drink, and that is not easily affordable to the supermarket. The desire to stop every now and then, during the day, taking off the shoes he normally wears, let our bare feet touch the ground, on 'grass on the sand, wherever nature allows us. Regaining the ability to have a natural contact with our land! My
This project aims to develop working groups that are able to introduce these practices of meditation, even in primary schools and secondary schools, our future generation, to meditate on what is the relationship between us and 'our environment.
and also consequences of the preceding paragraph, the ability to stop and sit down, the ability to relax even for brief moments during the day, to regain a more healthy and satisfying to face all the daily reality. I propose here the working groups, to learn to meditate together and be able to spread the welfare of mental silence in different environments,
work, work, at school, I propose to begin this work with those who want, and make a plan to extend these ancient practices to 'modern man, definitely
attracted by the speed and dynamism.
One planet, one home
Here the work should reflect the totality of the planet, the relationship with the mechanical nature of life and the human dimension, the difference of living in different countries. Develop a joint and valid
addressing the problematic of multinational corporations, economic development and different in every corner of the
mondo.Vorrei report about it a few sentences of my Beloved Spiritual master, Osho, taken from discourse titled and published as "Osho Upanishad" ... says, "... now the Hindus known theories theistic, atheistic, communist, agnostic. Their mind has been accustomed to contradictory thoughts. It 'full of ideas that are the opposite ... for example, Buddhists and Jains who have been vegetarians for 25th centuries, no one ever thought Jains are not vegetarian. But now there 's a problem: Not even a single vegetarian has never received a Nobel Prize! Strange! Yet his mind is the purest! These meat eaters have a thick skin, instead you're a pure plant, a cabbage, a cabbage, a wonderful thing, but even a Nobel Prize! Strange! Hindus do not eat meat cow, the Jews instead. And the Jews receive 40% of Nobel Prizes !..."( speech from "Osho Upanishad)
develop cultural exchanges with other national or international
whose purpose is related to their
From the above program extends to a vision of world economies and cultures. My project intends to address the possibility of the Greens here to start the "twinning" with other world powers that are converging and are of similar and comparable.
Now a moment of experience staff at the school: I can say that the 'experience I had as a prof. in state' development of twinning and exchange all cultural 'foreign of our young people to' start in the '80s seemed like a big waste of time and money, and instead, after many years of work, you can clearly see the goodness of these initiatives, which contributed both to 'claim of single currency euro, is the real propagation of the culture as a valuable cultural exchange and understanding among the younger generation.
In this place I can begin to organize an exchange between young workers.
For example, between the glass-workers of the Val d 'Elsa and young Filipinos who work for Nike,
and / or with the young Indian farmers. Distances and locations are now easily accessible via e-mail, and contacts become much easier!
sponsor events in Italy and abroad, will promote awareness of HOLISTIC SCHOOL in terms of educational, medical and human
School Holistic approach allows better and more and more to these kinds of issues . Moreover ourselves, once we discovered our potential, we can deal with any awareness of issues, personal and collective.
In my view there is a chance to emerge into the world a New Human Mind,
a New Humanity, a New Man, who knows how to live life and not to generate as now
themes of death.
The Holistic School, to create conditions for growth and development of the new man, use the tools of the new culture emerging, aimed at the development of human potential, health and development of body, mind and spirit, the holistic, ecology and sustainability and love for nature, respect for human values \u200b\u200bof brotherhood, equality, and freedom, openness to different cultures, races and spiritual paths, looking for unity and synthesis between
- Science-Arts-and Spirituality.
EAST-WEST MEETING Laughter as Medicine
Prayer and Meditation and Spirituality growth
Music and meditation
(Live music on Book of Secrets meditations)
Natural Therapy Rebalancing
Dance Trance Dance
Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
Concerts Mama Blue
Sculpture Dreams
Est-West Meeting Concerts
The project is based on Conference, Culturals and Ambiental Meetings for developping Peace, Brotherhood, Solidariety, Humanity beetween differents people around the world.
This project will be based on all that the Est had propose from millennia, what now the west has developped :
a) Meditations
b) Practise
c) Virtue
d) Sensitivness toward the beauty
e) Awarness of the Light
f) Conscioussness of the Buddhahood
For the development and the fulfillment of the project I’m proposing for the starting festivals
Meditations, with live music
Stages ( Gurdjieff dance, Trance dance, arts and Theater
Conference on Ecoplanet
Work stage on Pollution, Transgenic and Life
Group work on body-mind
Individual sessions ( Rebalancing)
Group of meditations. Stage for creating a group work for the Maintenance of Peace,Solidariety,Life,Brotherhood,Humanity with all the people
This project aims to develop working groups that are able to introduce these practices of meditation, even in primary schools and secondary schools, our future generation, to meditate on what is the relationship between us and 'our environment.
and also consequences of the preceding paragraph, the ability to stop and sit down, the ability to relax even for brief moments during the day, to regain a more healthy and satisfying to face all the daily reality. I propose here the working groups, to learn to meditate together and be able to spread the welfare of mental silence in different environments,
work, work, at school, I propose to begin this work with those who want, and make a plan to extend these ancient practices to 'modern man, definitely
attracted by the speed and dynamism.
One planet, one home
Here the work should reflect the totality of the planet, the relationship with the mechanical nature of life and the human dimension, the difference of living in different countries. Develop a joint and valid
addressing the problematic of multinational corporations, economic development and different in every corner of the
mondo.Vorrei report about it a few sentences of my Beloved Spiritual master, Osho, taken from discourse titled and published as "Osho Upanishad" ... says, "... now the Hindus known theories theistic, atheistic, communist, agnostic. Their mind has been accustomed to contradictory thoughts. It 'full of ideas that are the opposite ... for example, Buddhists and Jains who have been vegetarians for 25th centuries, no one ever thought Jains are not vegetarian. But now there 's a problem: Not even a single vegetarian has never received a Nobel Prize! Strange! Yet his mind is the purest! These meat eaters have a thick skin, instead you're a pure plant, a cabbage, a cabbage, a wonderful thing, but even a Nobel Prize! Strange! Hindus do not eat meat cow, the Jews instead. And the Jews receive 40% of Nobel Prizes !..."( speech from "Osho Upanishad)
develop cultural exchanges with other national or international
whose purpose is related to their
From the above program extends to a vision of world economies and cultures. My project intends to address the possibility of the Greens here to start the "twinning" with other world powers that are converging and are of similar and comparable.
Now a moment of experience staff at the school: I can say that the 'experience I had as a prof. in state' development of twinning and exchange all cultural 'foreign of our young people to' start in the '80s seemed like a big waste of time and money, and instead, after many years of work, you can clearly see the goodness of these initiatives, which contributed both to 'claim of single currency euro, is the real propagation of the culture as a valuable cultural exchange and understanding among the younger generation.
In this place I can begin to organize an exchange between young workers.
For example, between the glass-workers of the Val d 'Elsa and young Filipinos who work for Nike,
and / or with the young Indian farmers. Distances and locations are now easily accessible via e-mail, and contacts become much easier!
sponsor events in Italy and abroad, will promote awareness of HOLISTIC SCHOOL in terms of educational, medical and human
School Holistic approach allows better and more and more to these kinds of issues . Moreover ourselves, once we discovered our potential, we can deal with any awareness of issues, personal and collective.
In my view there is a chance to emerge into the world a New Human Mind,
a New Humanity, a New Man, who knows how to live life and not to generate as now
themes of death.
The Holistic School, to create conditions for growth and development of the new man, use the tools of the new culture emerging, aimed at the development of human potential, health and development of body, mind and spirit, the holistic, ecology and sustainability and love for nature, respect for human values \u200b\u200bof brotherhood, equality, and freedom, openness to different cultures, races and spiritual paths, looking for unity and synthesis between
- Science-Arts-and Spirituality.
EAST-WEST MEETING Laughter as Medicine
Prayer and Meditation and Spirituality growth
Music and meditation
(Live music on Book of Secrets meditations)
Natural Therapy Rebalancing
Dance Trance Dance
Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
Concerts Mama Blue
Sculpture Dreams
Est-West Meeting Concerts
The project is based on Conference, Culturals and Ambiental Meetings for developping Peace, Brotherhood, Solidariety, Humanity beetween differents people around the world.
This project will be based on all that the Est had propose from millennia, what now the west has developped :
a) Meditations
b) Practise
c) Virtue
d) Sensitivness toward the beauty
e) Awarness of the Light
f) Conscioussness of the Buddhahood
For the development and the fulfillment of the project I’m proposing for the starting festivals
Meditations, with live music
Stages ( Gurdjieff dance, Trance dance, arts and Theater
Conference on Ecoplanet
Work stage on Pollution, Transgenic and Life
Group work on body-mind
Individual sessions ( Rebalancing)
Group of meditations. Stage for creating a group work for the Maintenance of Peace,Solidariety,Life,Brotherhood,Humanity with all the people
Critica della Luna di Sotto
Dimensioni sconosciute dello spazio
incredulous smiles and pleasures you can see another world horizon.
What you are today
will be away tomorrow.
What you'll see, uncontaminated
lit by your brightness.
Anime universe
look at you every night I pray
you dream of.
I find myself always in words, in the middle of the foot
Sometimes I leave the hair
other times I feel like dancing silhouettes
yet come in,
distinct, lively, vivid.
I'm always trying to make them leave, but perhaps at the end
I could fuck
would leave them.
I find myself always in words, in the middle of the foot
Sometimes I leave the hair
other times I feel like dancing silhouettes
yet come in,
distinct, lively, vivid.
I'm always trying to make them leave, but perhaps at the end
I could fuck
would leave them.
Critique of Pure
Words crying laments
fleeting whispers
hidden behind rose bushes.
What I said once it was a hoax.
Pain that increases the extent of memory.
In the mirror of my life back visions
outlining the past. I will see you now
aura still draped
golden around you that winter morning. Then
Words crying laments
fleeting whispers
hidden behind rose bushes.
What I said once it was a hoax.
Pain that increases the extent of memory.
In the mirror of my life back visions
outlining the past. I will see you now
aura still draped
golden around you that winter morning. Then
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