Today we follow the comments on the failure dissolution of the City Council Funds. They talk about the right to exult, to the left to criticize the newspapers for information (often, alas, to exploit). And 'everyone is talking about this decision. Months of shame and media is all over the Italian, with tarallucci and wine. The saddest thing is that the state comes out massacred. With a government avowedly partisan (even on matters of such grave importance to decide according to the color of those involved, never mind the interest of the community), a Minister of the Interior put the lie (he said several times that the City Council would be dissolved evidence of evidence), with a mocked Prefect (despite the numerous demonstrations that have put forward to try the criminal influences) and the Police ridiculed (the Committee for Public Order and Security had documented facts on the basis of the request for dissolution). We believe that it was written a sad page in the history of our province, where the arrogance of the powerful has made it dominates over everything and everyone. But now everything will be back as before, c0me if nothing had happened? Really we should resign ourselves to seeing the intrigue, political maneuvering and powerful win over the consciences? And epoxy that this happens even when dealing with Mafia methods? No, we can not and do not want to believe. Of course, today the bells of all churches should sound the death knell, in Rome as the Marquis Del Grillo. But you need to react groped ... we owe it to our children!
Emilio Marigliani
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