Friday, November 19, 2010
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opened the doors of REFUGE OF *** *** ***
Sometimes they come back and this is one of those!
Sometimes they come back and this is one of those!
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the people of REFUGE OF *** reopens!
Sometimes they come back and this is one of those!
Sometimes they come back and this is one of those!
The Refuge of the Gods opens the doors of 'Olympus and awaits many for the evening of Friday 19 November 2010.
real world at 22.00, 1.00 virtual world is a train of artists of Rho Cassiopeiae Production.
Feduccia * JACK * (will make you dream with his jazz)
MOMI HALLISON * * (vi snatch with his magical voice)
SATAN * * DJ (with its rock-metal music and forget the stress accumulated throughout the week)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
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essential principles: legality.
In recent years, management of public affairs in our city, the rule of law was rejected, despised mortified. Sometimes for personal convenience, sometimes for political expediency, it is often forgotten is that respect for the rules is the first of the rules ethics which those who administer public affairs must give unconditional obedience.
E 'must start from the basic rules of civil coexistence, the principles, the first of which is that of legality.
We face the problem of the public meeting on November 13, giving the word to all citizens who want to attend and contribute, trusting that reveal the inspiration for the creation of a new covenant: the law first of all ... just , "the first law of politics."

E 'must start from the basic rules of civil coexistence, the principles, the first of which is that of legality.
We face the problem of the public meeting on November 13, giving the word to all citizens who want to attend and contribute, trusting that reveal the inspiration for the creation of a new covenant: the law first of all ... just , "the first law of politics."
Friday, October 22, 2010
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Sunday, October 17, 2010
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*** *** *** MERCURY
In Greek mythology Mercury ( Hermes ) was the son of Zeus and nymph Maia (the most beautiful of the Pleiades).
was born in a cave on the slopes of Mount Cillene, the highest peak of the Peloponnese, for which he also had the nickname Cillenio.
baby again, took off from the piston rings and left the cave he met a turtle which removed the shell and hollow stretched seven strings, producing such a sweet-sounding harp.
Then he went to Thessaly where Apollo guarding the herds of the gods and seized 50 head of cattle. They dragged the rope trick to making them walk backwards so that the traces of hoofs not betray him.
nell'Elide arrived, she hid them in a very deep cave. Then he returned to his native cavern, went back bands pretending to sleep peacefully in the cradle.
Apollo, however, discovered that he was guilty of theft and threatened to punish him. Hermes (Mercury), then played the lyre and the sweet music that conquered the God who kill to have the instrument's 50 left the oxen, and gave him a magic wand around which two snakes were later woven gold (the caduceus).
As it was as swift as the wind, Zeus made him the messenger of the gods and entrusted him with many important missions such as free Ares (Mars) Prisoner of Oto and Ephialtes.
was also the god of dreams and made the fatal sleep with his magic wand.
as a herald of the gods of the dead accompanied the shadows to which he was called nell'Erebo Psychopompos, which in greek means "conductor of souls."
He also had the gift of eloquence persuasive and effective, and this quality made it the God of commerce, of trade and gains.
also his skill as demonstrated by when it was still in swaddling clothes and made him the patron of tricksters and thieves.
intellectual readiness to Hermes were attributed to many inventions, such as music, astronomy, weights and measures.
Since to accomplish its many missions was always on the road, was considered the protector of travelers and road safety. So in the most dangerous, or where a road branched off in his honor was erected herm, that his bust placed on a pedestal.
The god was represented with at the foot of the Talara, the special winged shoes, with a leader in wide-brimmed hat trip, said PetaSite, and holding the caduceus.
Friday, October 15, 2010
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Aphrodite - Aφροδίτη)
In the religions of ancient Greece, is the goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, sensuality, lust and gardens. His equivalent in Roman religion is Venus.
The myrtle, the rose, a dove, the sparrow and the swan was sacred to her.
Aphrodite, in many of the myths concerning them, is characterized as vain, irritable and easily offended. Although it is one of the few gods of the greek Pantheon to be married, it is often unfaithful to her husband. Hephaestus, of course, is one of the most placid of the Hellenic deities; Aphrodite seems to prefer Ares, the volatile god of war. In ' Iliad goes into battle to save her son Aeneas , but abandons Ares (in fact it drops as it flies through the air) when she gets hit. And she is to be the original cause of the Trojan War not only kicks off the situation by offering to Elena Paris, but the abduction was accomplished when Paris, seeing Helen for the first time, was inflamed by the desire to have her falling in the domain of Aphrodite. Its domain can relate to love, but not about romantic love, rather than tending toward the lust, the irrational human desire.
Because of its immense beauty, Zeus was afraid that Aphrodite was the cause of violence among the other gods. He gave her in marriage to Hephaestus, the god of fire sad. There is another version of the story. As was the mother of Hephaestus, threw him from Olympus because it was too bad, he revenged himself trapped in a magic throne, and demanded the hand Aphrodite in exchange for the release of Age. Hephaestus was overjoyed to be married to the goddess of beauty and forged her beautiful jewelry, including girdle, which made it even more irresistible to men. The unhappy marriage led to Aphrodite to seek the company of others, most frequently Ares but Adonis, Anchises and others. Hephaestus once cleverly caught Ares and Aphrodite in bed and stopped them with finely wrought chains, and met all other Olympians to mock the pair (however, the "goddesses stayed at home, all with shame."). Hephaestus did not deliver them until Poseidon not promised him that Ares would pay reparations, but both escaped as soon as the chains were lifted and their promise was not kept.
Aphrodite was jealous of the beauty of a mortal woman named Psyche (Psyké). He then asked to Eros to use his golden arrows to make her fall in love with the ugliest man on earth. Eros agreed but he fell in love with Psyche (or inadvertently pricking with one of his arrows). Meanwhile, Psyche's parents were anxious because they feared that their daughter remained unmarried. Consulted a oracle who told them that Psyche was not destined to a mortal lover, but a monster who lived on top of some mountain. Psyche was resigned to her fate and climbed to the top of the mountain. There, Zephyr, the west wind, the gently pushed down. Psyche went into a cave of this mountain, surprised to find it full of jewelry and luxurious clothes. Eros visited her every night in the cave and had sexual intercourse. Eros churches just do not operate any lamps, since he did not want you to know who he was (having wings made him identifiable) . The two sisters, jealous of Psyche , convinced her to break one night and lit a lamp, recognizing him immediately. A drop of hot oil fell on Eros breast waking up and making him run away. When Psyche
said to her elder sisters what had happened, they rejoiced secretly and each went separately top of the mountain to repeat the way Psyche had entered the cave, hoping Eros would choose them. Zefiro rather not picked it up and both died rushing to the foot of the mountain.
Psyche went wandering in search of her lover in Greece, when it finally came to a temple of Demeter , whose floor was covered with piles of mixed grains. Psyche began divide the seeds according to type and when she finished, Demeter spoke to her, telling her that the best way to find Eros was to find his mother, Aphrodite, and earn her blessing. Psyche found a temple of Aphrodite and entered it. Aphrodite assigned her a task similar to that of the temple of Demeter, but she gave her an impossible deadline to finish it. Eros intervened, given that he still loved her, and meant that the seeds of the ant into place for her. Aphrodite was infuriated by the success and told her to go to a field where golden sheep grazed to get golden wool. Psyche went to the pasture and saw the sheep but was stopped by the god of the river that had to cross to enter the pasture. He said that the sheep were vicious and dangerous and would kill her, but if he waited until noon, the sheep would go find a shadow across the field to get to sleep; Psyche ; could then collect the wool that was entangled in the branches and the bark of trees. Psyche did so and Aphrodite was even more infuriated by the narrow escape and success. Eventually Aphrodite claimed that the stress of having to take care of her son, depressed and sick because of infidelity Psyche, had made her lose some of its beauty. Psyche had to go in 'and ask Ade Persephone, the queen of the underworld, a bit' to put her beauty in a black box that had been delivered by Aphrodite. Psyche and went up a tower, having decided that the quickest way to reach the underworld was to die. A voice stopped her at the last minute and told her a route that would allow her to enter and return still living, as well as tell you how to switch over Cerberus, Charon and other hazards on the course. ; Psyche subsided Cerberus, the three-headed dog with a sweet honey and paid Charon an mite so that it might Hades. Along the way he saw the hands that protruded from the water. A voice told her to throw them a sweet honey. Once there, Persephone said she was glad to do a favor to Aphrodite. Come back again Psyche paid Charon, gave a gentle hands and gave another to Cerberus.
Psyche left the underworld and decided to open the box and take him to a small part of the beauty, believing that doing so would Eros surely loved. In the box there was but a "hellish sleep" which overtook. Eros, who had forgiven her, flew to her and took away the sleep from his eyes, then begged Zeus and Aphrodite that gave their consent to marriage with Psyche. They agreed and Zeus made her immortal. Aphrodite danced at the wedding Eros and Psyche and the two had a child named Pleasure, or (in Roman mythology) Volupta .
Aphrodite was the lover of Adonis and had a part in its birth. She pushed Mirra to commit incest with her father Teia , king of Assyria . Another version says Myrrha's father was Cinyras of Cyprus . When Teia discovered it, was angry and chased his daughter with a knife. The gods turned her into a myrrh tree and Adonis was born from this tree. In other versions, Aphrodite was to transform it into a tree and Adonis was born when Teia struck the tree with an arrow, or when a boar used its tusks to tear the cortex.
Once Adonis was born, Aphrodite took him under her wing, seducing him with the help of Elena, her friend, and being mesmerized by his unearthly beauty. Aphrodite gave him to Persephone because the surveillance, but Persephone was also amazed by her beauty and refused to return it. The debate between the two goddesses was settled by Zeus or Calliope, with Adonis would spend four months a year with Aphrodite, four with Persephone and four on his own.
Adonis was eventually killed by the jealous Ares. Aphrodite was warned of this jealousy and was told that Adonis would be killed by a wild boar in that it would become Ares. Aphrodite tried to persuade Adonis to stay with her all the time, but his love for hunting was his misfortune. While Adonis was hunting, Ares found him and stabbed him to death. Aphrodite arrived just in time to hear his last breath. It is also said that Aphrodite gave a daughter to Adonis, Beroe .
The gods and goddesses, as well as various mortals were invited to the wedding of Peleus and Teti, the future parents of Achilles . Only the goddess Eris (Discord) was not invited, but this came with a golden apple entered with the words "To the fairest," which threw among the goddesses. Aphrodite, Athena was and supported each to be the most beautiful, and therefore the right to own the apple. The goddesses chose to bring the matter to the attention of Zeus, who decided to put the choice in the hands of Paris.
had tried to bribe Paris offering the ' Asia Minor, while Athena offered him wisdom and fame and glory in battle, but Aphrodite whispered to Paris that if had chosen as the most beautiful, he would have married the most beautiful of mortal women, and he chose the latter. This woman was Helen. The other goddesses were enraged by this and by the abduction of Helen by Paris did burst the Trojan War .
Pygmalion was a sculptor who had never found a woman worthy of his love. Aphrodite took pity on him and decided to show you the wonders of love. One day, Pygmalion was inspired by a dream of Aphrodite to carve from 'ivory a woman who resembled the image of the goddess and called Galatea . He fell in love with the statue and decided he could not live without it. He prayed to Aphrodite, who carried out the final part of his plan and gave life to the exquisite sculpture. Pygmalion loved Galatea and they were married.
Another version of this myth tells that the women of the village in which Pygmalion lived were angry because he had not married. Then asked Aphrodite to force him to marry. Aphrodite agreed and that night went to Pygmalion, and asked to choose a woman as a wife. She told him that if he had a choice, she would have done for him. Not wanting to marry her, begged her to have more time, asking him to make a sculpture that portray first to make the choice. Flattered, Aphrodite agreed.
He spent much time making small clay figurines of the goddess, saying that would also be able to choose the right pose. When he began to create a real sculpture, was shocked to discover that he wanted to finish, even if it meant that he should marry someone just finished the job. The reason I wanted to finish it was that he was in love with the sculpture. The more we worked on, the more it changed, until it looks more like Aphrodite.
At the same time that Pygmalion fell away from the completed sculpture, Aphrodite appeared and asked to choose his bride. Pygmalion chose the statue. Aphrodite said he could not be done and renewed the request. Pygmalion threw his arms around the statue and asked Aphrodite to turn him into a statue so he could stay with her. Aphrodite was grieved him, and chose instead to create the statue.
Monday, October 11, 2010
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Ade - Ἅδης
Hades was the son of Cronus and Rea , while his brothers and sisters were Estia , Demeter , was , Zeus and Poseidon . According to the myth was devoured by his father and his brothers and sisters, with the exception of Zeus, - saved by his mother - took them to safety through a ruse.
According Suda , a late Byzantine text X - XI century , had a daughter named Macarius, the goddess of good death .
Ade participated in Titanomachia , the occasion on which the Cyclops the fabricated the kuna , a magic hat in animal skin that allowed him to become invisible so they could secretly enter into the abode of Cronus and stealing their weapons, while threatening the father with Poseidon trident, Zeus struck him with lightning.
Later, he received the sovereignty of the underworld and the underworld, when the universe was divided with his brothers Zeus and Poseidon, who obtained, respectively, the reign of ' Olympus and sea .
is counted from time to time between the Olympian gods , despite this being contrary to the canonical tradition, Ade is on the other hand very little in this mythology, being essentially tied to the stories associated with the mythological heroes Orpheus , Theseus and Heracles are among the few mortals to have met him. Moreover, the tradition wants reluctant to abandon the world to come: the only two exceptions are mentioned for the abduction of Persephone, and to receive some treatment after being wounded by an arrow of Heracles.
Legend wants to master the raw solar Eriz grazing on the island, the so-called island red , where the sun dies daily. The pastor was called Menete. However
in these stories is called Kronos, or Geryon .
in these stories is called Kronos, or Geryon .
love with Persephone, kidnapped her with the consent of Zeus while she was picking flowers in the company of nymphs , according to myth in the current plains Enna . Her mother, Demeter, in despair over the disappearance of her daughter, tried for nine days, reaching the most remote regions: the tenth day, with the help of Hecate and Elio heard that the kidnapper was the god of the underworld. Enraged, Demeter left Olympus and triggered a famine throughout the land, so that it did not offer more fruit to mortals and gods. Zeus then attempted to reconcile Hades and Demeter, so that you avoid the end of mankind, sent the messenger Hermes his brother, commanding him to return Persephone, as long as she had not cibata the food of the dead. Ade did not oppose the order, but because Persephone was really fast after the kidnapping, he invited her to eat before returning to the mother, so he offered her a pomegranate, the fruit coming from the underworld, in gift. About to get on the road to Eleusis , a gardener of Hades, Ascalafo , saw her eat a few grains of the pomegranate: In this So the trick was accomplished so warp to Hades, so that Persephone would remain with him in the Underworld. Back to the unleashing of the wrath of Demeter, Zeus offered a new deal, so, since Persephone had not eaten a fruit fly: the grave would remain only for a number of months equal to the number of seeds eaten by you, so you may spend the rest of the year with her mother, so he spent six months with her husband in the Underworld, and six months with her mother on earth. The proposal was accepted by both, and then were joined by the spring el ' summer to months that Persephone spent in giving joy to the mother earth, el ' autumn el' winter the months that passed into the underworld, during the which the mother pined for her daughter.
was usually represented as a mature man, bearded and fierce, often sitting on a throne and with a patera and a scepter , with the three-headed dog guardian of the underworld, Cerberus . Sometimes there was also a snake at his feet. Often wears a helmet , or a veil that covers her face and eyes.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
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(¨ * •. ° '•.:: DJ MIKY:: ¸. •' ¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. ° '•.:: THE SHELTER OF THE GODS: · . • '¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. °' •.:: WE ARE WAITING FOR TONIGHT:: ¸. • '¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. °' •.:: TO 22 , 30 IN THE DISCO:: ¸. • '¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. °' •.:: MORE 'CULT OF DEPARTURE IN SL ..:: ¸. •' ¸. • * ¨
( ¨ * •. ° '•.:: FOR NEXT TRACK ... :: ¸. • '¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. °' •.:: DO NOT MISS IT! RUN!: ¸. • '¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * • . ° '•.:: THE GREAT MUSIC:: ¸. •' ¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. ° '•.:: HOUSE & BUSINESS:: ¸. •' ¸. • * ¨ ) e/OMEGA/67/24/22
(¨ * •. ° '•.:: DJ MIKY:: ¸. •' ¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. ° '•.:: THE SHELTER OF THE GODS: · . • '¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. °' •.:: WE ARE WAITING FOR TONIGHT:: ¸. • '¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. °' •.:: TO 22 , 30 IN THE DISCO:: ¸. • '¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. °' •.:: MORE 'CULT OF DEPARTURE IN SL ..:: ¸. •' ¸. • * ¨
( ¨ * •. ° '•.:: FOR NEXT TRACK ... :: ¸. • '¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. °' •.:: DO NOT MISS IT! RUN!: ¸. • '¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * • . ° '•.:: THE GREAT MUSIC:: ¸. •' ¸. • * ¨)
(¨ * •. ° '•.:: HOUSE & BUSINESS:: ¸. •' ¸. • * ¨ ) e/OMEGA/67/24/22
Friday, October 8, 2010
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Thursday, October 7, 2010
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*.* Heracles
Heracles (from ancient greek Ἡρακλῆς , comprising Ἥρα , was and κλέος , glory, "glory of Hera" ) is a hero Greek mythology, Roman mythology, corresponding to the figure of Hercules . Son of Zeus and Alcmene , he was born in Thebes and was equipped with superhuman strength. The surname is poetic that defines Alcide resulting from Alcaeus, his putative grandfather.
of this hero's story is told in a single work, but many have been written that he partakes in, or very marginally. Celebrate his incredible feats, such as the twelve labors who see him deal with multiple heads snakes, lions impossible to scratch the skin, able to shoot birds feathers sharp as knives and many other monsters the hero, both for courage that cunning, always managed to defeat.
Still unbeaten lost his life in his own hand, setting themselves on fire at the stake, torn apart by grief Deianira , his wife, unaware of the betrayal of the centaur Nessus, caused by dipping his tunic in a deadly poison. Increased in ' Olympus married Hebe , the cupbearer of the gods and became the guardian god, even reuniting with was , his eternal enemy.
Major greek hero, Olympic gods after death, Heracles was revered as a symbol of courage and strength, but also of humanity and generosity, even among the Romans. It was considered the protector of sports and fitness [1] . He was honored in numerous shrines scattered all over Greece and its many businesses, an expression of altruism and physical strength, they did believe the founder of the Olympic Games . In some cases, highlighting the generosity with which we face formidable opponents, he became the hero image of intense moral force, as well as purely physical.
His complex personality, the setting for some of its businesses and the fact that most of them is related to animals, sometimes equate the image of Hercules to the ancient shamans, endowed with supernatural powers, and a certain commonality of aspects can be traced also in Phoenician heroes as Melqart .
The twelve labors, then, may have some correlation with the signs of the zodiac , many of which are in fact represented by animals. In the Roman world
Hercules presided over the gyms and all the places in which there was physical activity, also considered an auspicious deity, the invocations were addressed in the event of misfortune, calling Hercules Defensor or Salutaris .
It is also worth remembering that almost the modern age Strait of Gibraltar was known as "Pillars of Hercules , with expression clearly evocative memories of trips and travel hero who, in the course of his business, he touched the countries of 'Asia Minor and Caucasus and reached the Far East and the Great Ocean, that marked the "land of the living." The legend was of Phoenician origin: the god tirio Melqart (identified later by the Romans called Hercules and Hercules Gaditanus , Gades to the famous temple dedicated to him) would have put two columns on the sides of the Straits, which were then considered the 'extreme limit reached by Hercules and especially in the Middle Ages, the border post from God that all people are pushed into the Atlantic Ocean.
Heracles (from ancient greek Ἡρακλῆς , comprising Ἥρα , was and κλέος , glory, "glory of Hera" ) is a hero Greek mythology, Roman mythology, corresponding to the figure of Hercules . Son of Zeus and Alcmene , he was born in Thebes and was equipped with superhuman strength. The surname is poetic that defines Alcide resulting from Alcaeus, his putative grandfather.
of this hero's story is told in a single work, but many have been written that he partakes in, or very marginally. Celebrate his incredible feats, such as the twelve labors who see him deal with multiple heads snakes, lions impossible to scratch the skin, able to shoot birds feathers sharp as knives and many other monsters the hero, both for courage that cunning, always managed to defeat.
Still unbeaten lost his life in his own hand, setting themselves on fire at the stake, torn apart by grief Deianira , his wife, unaware of the betrayal of the centaur Nessus, caused by dipping his tunic in a deadly poison. Increased in ' Olympus married Hebe , the cupbearer of the gods and became the guardian god, even reuniting with was , his eternal enemy.
Major greek hero, Olympic gods after death, Heracles was revered as a symbol of courage and strength, but also of humanity and generosity, even among the Romans. It was considered the protector of sports and fitness [1] . He was honored in numerous shrines scattered all over Greece and its many businesses, an expression of altruism and physical strength, they did believe the founder of the Olympic Games . In some cases, highlighting the generosity with which we face formidable opponents, he became the hero image of intense moral force, as well as purely physical.
His complex personality, the setting for some of its businesses and the fact that most of them is related to animals, sometimes equate the image of Hercules to the ancient shamans, endowed with supernatural powers, and a certain commonality of aspects can be traced also in Phoenician heroes as Melqart .
The twelve labors, then, may have some correlation with the signs of the zodiac , many of which are in fact represented by animals. In the Roman world
Hercules presided over the gyms and all the places in which there was physical activity, also considered an auspicious deity, the invocations were addressed in the event of misfortune, calling Hercules Defensor or Salutaris .
It is also worth remembering that almost the modern age Strait of Gibraltar was known as "Pillars of Hercules , with expression clearly evocative memories of trips and travel hero who, in the course of his business, he touched the countries of 'Asia Minor and Caucasus and reached the Far East and the Great Ocean, that marked the "land of the living." The legend was of Phoenician origin: the god tirio Melqart (identified later by the Romans called Hercules and Hercules Gaditanus , Gades to the famous temple dedicated to him) would have put two columns on the sides of the Straits, which were then considered the 'extreme limit reached by Hercules and especially in the Middle Ages, the border post from God that all people are pushed into the Atlantic Ocean.
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Welcome Guest
Here the rules to cope with our community and to be part, we start from the rank of demigods / a.
E 'permitted only to the gods to promote a visitor to demigods and at the express request of the visitor.
Anyone can go to the rank of Deo / a, but the condition is based on merit.
Each visitor has the opportunity to accumulate experience points.
The condition Deo / a can be reached with the accumulation of 10,000 experience points.
point is the status of demigods.
Points will be awarded on the basis of:
- ANY IDEAS meritorious.
How do I get points?
1 - Directly on the proposal of the Gods. (Each Deo has 1000 points available per month to propose to the Council to approve maggioranza.Ogni Deo may propose no more than 100/mese points to avatar). DISTRIBUTED DURING THE EVENING / EVENT / CONTEST
2 - During each evening will be raffled items that will always be declared at submission
3 - Each active participation in evenings / events / contest involves a prize 20 points.
4 - For Promotional / Fidelizzazzioni: for every new visitor will be presented and will require the tag demigod / a will be monitored after a month and council of the gods, to presentatoreverranno assigned 100 points.
5 - For special merits, the Council may appoint Deo / any avatar, for special merit, without necessarily having to accumulate points.
Here the rules to cope with our community and to be part, we start from the rank of demigods / a.
E 'permitted only to the gods to promote a visitor to demigods and at the express request of the visitor.
Anyone can go to the rank of Deo / a, but the condition is based on merit.
Each visitor has the opportunity to accumulate experience points.
The condition Deo / a can be reached with the accumulation of 10,000 experience points.
point is the status of demigods.
Points will be awarded on the basis of:
- ANY IDEAS meritorious.
How do I get points?
1 - Directly on the proposal of the Gods. (Each Deo has 1000 points available per month to propose to the Council to approve maggioranza.Ogni Deo may propose no more than 100/mese points to avatar). DISTRIBUTED DURING THE EVENING / EVENT / CONTEST
2 - During each evening will be raffled items that will always be declared at submission
3 - Each active participation in evenings / events / contest involves a prize 20 points.
4 - For Promotional / Fidelizzazzioni: for every new visitor will be presented and will require the tag demigod / a will be monitored after a month and council of the gods, to presentatoreverranno assigned 100 points.
5 - For special merits, the Council may appoint Deo / any avatar, for special merit, without necessarily having to accumulate points.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
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*.* *.*
caused an unknown force that began to separate all the elements of Chaos and is generated by these Gaia (Earth) , Eros (Love) the Tartarus (Hell) , the ' Erebus (the darkness) and Night.
Later, the father of the Erebus 'Ether (Day) , while Gaea gave birth to Uranus (Heaven) and Pontus (the sea) .
Parents of the first greek olympians supernatural beings were Uranus and Gaea, who began to have children with 50 heads and 100 hands each, and were called Hecatonchires.
I Cyclops, their younger brothers, were giants with one eye on his forehead. Their appearance was so monstrous that his father, disgusted, they hid in the bowels of the earth.
I Titans, the last children were 12.
Of these, some of formed pairs: Ocean and Tethys, Rhea and Cronus , Hyperion and Tea, Iapetus and Mnemosyne, Themes and Cryo , CEO and Phoebe .
Gea Titans sought help children to punish the ferocity of Uranus. ;
Kronos, the last Titans, the more indignant, attacking the idea, and mutilated him in his sleep.
From the blood of Uranus were born Giants, the Erinyes and the nymphs Meliadi.
In addition, some of his limbs, falls into the sea, was born Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love.
Cronus married his sister Rhea and devoured her offspring in order to debunk a prediction according to which it was dethroned by one of his sons.
His wife, after the birth of Zeus, was able to trick him by feeding a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Zeus was raised by a shepherd of Crete as an adult and faced his father and forced him to return the children swallowed.
freed from Tartarus the Cyclopes and Hecatonchires.
Cronus, with ' help of the Titans tried to overthrow Zeus who managed, after ten years of war and with the help of brothers who sided in his favor, to rout the father winning first place olympians greek.
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