Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Commercial Smoothie Maker

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The beginning was the Chaos .
caused an unknown force that began to separate all the elements of Chaos and is generated by these Gaia (Earth) , Eros (Love) the Tartarus (Hell) , the ' Erebus (the darkness) and Night.

Later, the father of the Erebus 'Ether (Day) , while Gaea gave birth to Uranus (Heaven) and Pontus (the sea) .
Parents of the first greek olympians supernatural beings were Uranus and Gaea, who began to have children with 50 heads and 100 hands each, and were called Hecatonchires.

I Cyclops, their younger brothers, were giants with one eye on his forehead. Their appearance was so monstrous that his father, disgusted, they hid in the bowels of the earth.

I Titans, the last children were 12.
Of these, some of formed pairs: Ocean and Tethys, Rhea and Cronus , Hyperion and Tea, Iapetus and Mnemosyne, Themes and Cryo , CEO and Phoebe .
Gea Titans sought help children to punish the ferocity of Uranus. ;

Kronos, the last Titans, the more indignant, attacking the idea, and mutilated him in his sleep.
From the blood of Uranus were born Giants, the Erinyes and the nymphs Meliadi.
In addition, some of his limbs, falls into the sea, was born Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love.
Cronus married his sister Rhea and devoured her offspring in order to debunk a prediction according to which it was dethroned by one of his sons.

His wife, after the birth of Zeus, was able to trick him by feeding a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Zeus was raised by a shepherd of Crete as an adult and faced his father and forced him to return the children swallowed.

freed from Tartarus the Cyclopes and Hecatonchires.
Cronus, with ' help of the Titans tried to overthrow Zeus who managed, after ten years of war and with the help of brothers who sided in his favor, to rout the father winning first place olympians greek.


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